Basic Data Structures

My Take on UCSD's Basic Data Structures course (CSE 12)

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Introduction to C++ and Basic Runtime Analysis

Chapters 1 & 2 of Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++

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What is CSE 12 about?

Some advice:

What is CSE 12 not about?

Introduction to C++ (from a Java perspective)

The Basics

Here’s a hello world program in Java:

public class Hello {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello world!");

and here’s the equivalent program in C++:

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
  return 0;

What are some similarities?


  1. Both functions are named main (this one is trivial).
  2. Syntax is relatively similar (semicolons, curly braces, etc).



  1. main returns an int now?
    • That’s a bit odd…
  2. What’s up with that << syntax? And the std::?
  3. main takes another argument?
    • But sometimes it takes no arguments? What’s going on?
  4. No class?
    • C++ does have classes, but they’re not required.

Just with this, it’s possible to reason through some programs and to even write some basic C++ code. That said, it’s best to understand exactly what is happening. Throughout the course, we’ll begin to unravel some of the intricasies of C++

The Not-So-Basics

What’s the deal with main?

  1. Main now returns an int. Why? The short reason:
    • The return value has to do with UNIX exit codes (you’ll learn these in CSE 15L)
    • Java doesn’t have them because of the JVM providing a layer between the kernel and your program.
      • You don’t need to know what this means yet, just wait till CSE 120.
  2. What about the arguments?
    • main can either take void as an argument, (so, nothing), or the arguments seen
    • argc is the number of command line arguments
    • argv is an array of char * (C style strings) containing the command line arguments.
    • These directly correlate to String[] args (argv) and args.length (argc)
  3. How about the << and std::?
    • The << will make more sense when we talk about operator overloading soon, and the std:: will be explained during week 9.


Basic Runtime Analysis

How do we quantify how long our programs take to run and how much space they take up?

Solution: Quantify our algorithm speed and space in terms of abstract operations

Note: We won’t get into the details (I’ll leave that for CSE 21 and 101) but this will be a quick and dirty intro. In general, we will talk about the average case upper bound (aka big $O$), but other measures exist.

Here’s a table to build intuition about kinds of runtime:

Adjective $O$-notation Sample operation
constant $O(1)$ adding two int values
logarithmic $O(\log(n))$ binary search
linear $O(n)$ iterating through an array
linearithmic $O(n\log (n))$ merge sort
quadratic $O(n^2)$ bubble sort
cubic $O(n^3)$ naïve matrix multiplication
exponential $O(x^n)$, for $x \gt 1$ naïve Fibonacci is ~2n
just no $O(n^n)$ ??? I don’t even have an example

Here’s a table to build intuition in concrete units of time:

F(n) n = 256 n = 1024 n = 1,048,576
$1$ 1 µsec 1 µsec 1 µsec
$\log_2n$ 8 µsec 10 µsec 20 µsec
$n$ 256 µsec 1.02 ms 1.05 sec
$n\log_2n$ 2.05 ms 10.2 ms 21 sec
$n^2$ 65.5 ms 1.05 sec 1.8 weeks
$n^3$ 16.8 sec 17.9 min 36,559 years
$2^n$ $3.7\times10^{63}$ years $5.7\times10^{294}$ years $2.1\times10^{315,639}$ years

Calculating Runtime:

  1. Sum up the operation in terms of how much time each step takes
    • This can be done by figuring out what happens to the output as the input increases
    • Better techniques for this will be taught in other courses (Master’s Theorem, Recurrences, etc.)
  2. Largest term dominates
  3. Drop any constants


int errogate(int n) {
  int sum = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    sum += i;
  std::cout << "sum is " << sum << std::endl;
  return sum;

First line is initialization, which is constant time. Second line starts a loop that will run for n number of times. Third line does integer addition, which is constant time. Fifth line prints to the screen, which we’ll say is constant time. Last line returns the value, another constant time operation.

Total runtime: $O(1)$ + $O(n)$ + $O(1)$ + $O(1)$ + $O(1)$ = $O(n)$ = linear time

What about this one?

int errogate(int n) {
  int sum = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    sum += i;
  for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
    sum *= i;
  std::cout << "sum is " << sum << std::endl;
  return sum;

Total runtime: $O(1)$ + $O(n)$ + $O(n)$ + $O(1)$ + $O(1)$ + $O(1)$ = $O(2n)$ = $O(n)$ = linear time

So, do problems with the same big-O runtime take the same amount of time?

Try this one on your own:

int mystery(int n) {
  int count = 0;
  for(int i = 1; i <= n; i *= 2) {
    for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
  std::cout << count << std::endl;
