Basic Data Structures

My Take on UCSD's Basic Data Structures course (CSE 12)

Project maintained by nate-browne Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Style Guide for CSE 12

splay tree

The style guide for this class is largely based on the Google C++ Style Guide, with a few modifications/simplifications. In general though, you can just follow what it says to do.

Header Files


  1. Structs vs Classes
    • Use structs only for passive objects that carry data, but use classes for everything else.
    • For functors, you can use structs (probably won’t be relevant for this course).
  2. Inheritance
    • We’ll prefer composition over inheritance, but only do public derivations if inheritance is being used.
    • If you need a private derivation, just use composition.
  3. Operator Overloading
    • Use it. It’s good.
    • For classes we write, we’ll tell you which operators to overload.
  4. public, private, protected
    • The code should be two spaces, but the keyword itself should be one space indented. use this link as an example.


  1. Tabs vs Spaces
    • Use spaces. 2 or 4 spaces is fine (2 preferred) but absolutely no tabs.
    • Set up your editor to replace tabs with spaces.
  2. Line Length
    • Traditionally, line lengths were capped at 80. This is mostly due to legacy reasons, and as such we will not be enforcing this rule in this course.
  3. Function Declarations and Definitions
    • Put them all on the same line, if they fit.
    • If it doesn’t fit, refer to this link.
  4. Function Calls
  5. Conditionals
    • Refer to this link, except that it’s fine to do if(condition) without the space after the if.
  6. Loops and Switch Statements
    • This link will be your friend here. Just don’t put blank bodies of code.
  7. Pointer and References
    • Don’t put spaces around the period or arrow, and don’t put trailing spaces after the pointer.


  1. Constants/Macros
    • These should be UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
  2. Variable Names
    • Like file names, these should be snake_case. Don’t use lowerCamelCase
  3. Namespaces
    • These should be all lowercase (e.g. std:: and test_utils)


  1. File Headers
    • Every file needs a header containing name, account number, date, assignment number, sources of help, and a short description. The formatting can be however you want, though.
  2. Class Headers
    • Every class needs a header explaining the usage, methods, and purpose. Formatting can be however you want as long as all of the information is present and it doesn’t look bad.
  3. Commenting in Methods
    • Avoid overcommenting. Make sure you comment big ideas as well as particularly confusing bits of your code, but assume your reader understands advanced C++ (cause they do) so you don’t need to comment bits like x++.